My page

About me

Good daytime! My name is Aliaksei Reut, I'm 29. I'm actively searching for a job or internship as Junior/Trainee Frontend developer. Currently I don't have any commercial development experience, but I have some education and pet-projects (check them on my Github). I completed long-term software development courses and have good basic programming knowledge. I'm a confident and passionate programmer who learns new technologies easily, rapidly and with interest, and, if necessary, I can learn any new technology basics in a short time.

My languages are: Russian(native), Belarussian(native), English(B1 - in progress); I also recently started learning Japanese.

I'm a big fan of anime and videogames, and also sometimes drawing on my PC using my graphic tablet.

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My education

  • Doctor Belarussian State Medical University 2010-2016
  • Software Developer STEP IT Academy (Minsk, Belarus) 2019-2022

As software developer I'm actively working to expand and harden my programming knowledge by watching programming videos on Youtube, reading programming books, exploring technical documentation and thematical web resources. To harden my knowledge of English to the solid B1 level and develop it further to B2 level for study I prefer English language resources and books. Some of the latest books I read recently are:

  • Ben Frain "Responsive Web Design with HTML5 and CSS"
  • David Flanagan "JavaScript: The Definitive Guide"
  • Stoyan Stefanov "React: Up and Running. Building Web Applications"
  • David Griffiths, Dawn Griffiths "React Cookbook: Recipes for Mastering the React Framework"

Now, to harden my basic algorithms knowledge, I'm reading "JavaScript Data Structures and Algorithms: An Introduction to Understanding and Implementing Core Data Structure and Algorithm Fundamenthals" by Sammie Bae.

My skills


  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • SASS
  • Responsive design (mobile-first/desktop-first)

Programming Languages

  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript

Libraries & Frameworks

  • React
  • Redux
  • Axios
  • Formik/Yup
  • styled-components

Databases & Queries

  • MongoDB
  • SQL


  • Git/Github
  • npm/yarn
  • Bootstrap
  • Node.js + Express
  • Gulp
  • Docker

My portfolio

SakuraSNS Project

SakuraSNS Project

Technologies used
  • MongoDB
  • Node.js + Express
  • React (Javascript)
  • Redux
  • Formik + Yup (for forms)
  • Axios (for server requests)
  • Firebase (for media storage)
  • WebSocket (for chat)

My graduation project built with the MERN technology stack using Javascript. Actually, this is the Facebook clone that gives you opportunity to have your own page, chat with your friends, check recent posts from your friends and groups, upload and enjoy music and videos, manage your own photo albums and much more. You can join someone's group, check its gallery, comment its posts, apply to the group events or discuss various topics. Or you create your own and manage it, using wide group administration possibilities.

SakuraSNS Project

Notes App

Technologies used
  • React (Typescript)
  • SASS

My first project built using Typescript. This is a simple app that allows you to create, edit and delete small notes. You can also apply tags to your notes and filter notes output by these tags. All notes are saved in local storage.

SakuraSNS Project

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